About Norwood, MA and OWD Airport

Norwood - MA - OWD

Norwood Memorial Airport, OWD, is located 2 miles east of the Town of Norwood, Massachusetts. It covers 688 acres and has 2 runways.

Southern Airways serves Norwood and flies to Nantucket seasonally from there.

Norwood is part of the Greater Boston area. As of the 2010 census, the population was 30,602.

The Town of Norwood, officially formed in 1872, was until that time part of Dedham, known as the “mother of towns”, as fourteen of the present communities of eastern Massachusetts lay within its original borders.

During the American Revolution, there was a Minuteman company organized in the area. Its captain, Aaron Guild, on learning of the British marching on Lexington and Concord to seize the munitions stored there, rode to join the fight and arrived in time to fire on the British at Concord Bridge and participate in the running battle that chased the Redcoats back to Boston.





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